Duet makes it really easy to seamlessly collect payment for music lessons. And we have a big announcement: You can now collect payment via ACH! Learn how to accept digital payments - including credit card, ApplePay and ACH payments - from your studio families and have the payment deposited directly into your bank account.
Some music teachers may think they need to take any music student who expresses interest in studying with them. But this isn't necessarily wise. Along your journey to recruit more private lessons students into your music studio, it’s important to think about your ideal student type to make sure of a high quality student-to-teacher fit. Do you know your ideal student type? Here are 8 ways to identify your ideal student.
One strategy to attract, retain and stay top-of-mind is posting content on social media. But an effective social media strategy requires posting consistently, and coming up with new content can be challenging! Here are 15 ideas for your next social media post.
When teachers say they "teach music," they most often mean that the introduce people to a specific instrument and instruct them on how to play it. But sometimes the underlying structure of the music we're playing goes overlooked. When do students learn to understand what the composer was actually doing when putting certain groups of notes together? Is it necessary or even important to students to understand these things? The Ultimate Music Theory course creator Glory St. Germain answers these questions.